《W》一月刊 Jessica Chastain饰演4艺术家 - 无时尚中文网NOFASHION -权威领先的奢侈品行业报道、投资分析网站。


《W》一月刊 Jessica Chastain饰演4艺术家

作者 无时尚中文网 发表于 2012-12-10 05:18:50 来源: 无时尚中文网

标签:W, Jessica Chastain


Art by George Condo. Photograph by Max Vadukul. Styled by Felicia Garcia- Rivera. Hair by Jimmy Paul for Bumble and bumble; makeup by Fulvia Farolfi for Chanel; manicure by Gina Viviano for Chanel. Fashion: Dress designed by George Condo, fabricated by Christy Rilling Studio.

《W》2013年1月刊推出“时尚邂逅艺术”专题,Jessica Chastain则饰演四名艺术家,发布了四款封面,这四名艺术家分别是:油画家George Condo、肖像画家Rineke Dijkstra、英国女画家Chantal Joffe和抽象派艺术家Mickalene Thomas。

Art by Mickalene Thomas. Styled by Nina Ziefvert. Hair by Nikki Nelms; makeup by Vincent Oquendo for Dior at Tracey Mattingly; manicure by Lisa Logan for Nails Inc. Fashion: Versace leather-detail silk gown. Marina B 18k yellow gold and diamond bracelet.

Art by Chantal Joffe. Styled by Felicia Garcia-Rivera. Hair by Jimmy Paul for Bumble and bumble; makeup by Fulvia Farolfi for Chanel; manicure by Gina Viviano for Chanel. Fashion: Calvin Klein Collection silk shantung dress.

Photograph by Rineke Dijkstra. Styled by Felicia Garcia-Rivera. Hair by Renato Campora for Frédéric Fekkai at the Wall Group; makeup by Francelle Daly; manicure by Alicia Torello at the Wall Group. Fashion: Christopher Kane silk and PVC dress.


George Condo’s Abstract Conversations, 2012.

Photographed by Max Vadukul. Styled by Felicia Garcia-Rivera. Hair by Jimmy Paul for Bumble and bumble; makeup by Fulvia Farolfi for Chanel; manicure by Gina Viviano for Chanel. Photography assistants: Reto Sterchi, Carlos Ruiz.


Condo’s Spatial Notations, 2012.

Photographed by Max Vadukul. Styled by Felicia Garcia-Rivera. Hair by Jimmy Paul for Bumble and bumble; makeup by Fulvia Farolfi for Chanel; manicure by Gina Viviano for Chanel. Photography assistants: Reto Sterchi, Carlos Ruiz.


Rochas silk and cotton shirt. Carolina Herrera wool shorts.

Styled by Felicia Garcia-Rivera. Hair by Renato Campora for Frédéric Fekkai at the Wall Group; makeup by Francelle Daly; manicure by Alicia Torello at the Wall Group. Photography assistants: Devin Doyle, Anitha Darla. Fashion assistants: Ryann Foulke, Kate Gingold.


Valentino lace dress.

Styled by Felicia Garcia-Rivera. Hair by Renato Campora for Frédéric Fekkai at the Wall Group; makeup by Francelle Daly; manicure by Alicia Torello at the Wall Group. Photography assistants: Devin Doyle, Anitha Darla. Fashion assistants: Ryann Foulke, Kate Gingold.


Carine Gilson Lingerie Couture lace-detail satin silk slip.

Styled by Felicia Garcia-Rivera. Hair by Jimmy Paul at Bumble and Bumble; makeup by Fulvia Farolfi for Chanel; manicure by Gina Viviano for Chanel.


Joffe’s studio, photographed by Suki Dhanda; paintings based on photographs by Max Vadukul.

Styled by Felicia Garcia-Rivera. Hair by Jimmy Paul at Bumble and Bumble; makeup by Fulvia Farolfi for Chanel; manicure by Gina Viviano for Chanel.


Joffe’s studio, photographed by Suki Dhanda; paintings based on photographs by Max Vadukul.

Styled by Felicia Garcia-Rivera. Hair by Jimmy Paul at Bumble and Bumble; makeup by Fulvia Farolfi for Chanel; manicure by Gina Viviano for Chanel.


Carine Gilson Lingerie Couture lace-detail satin silk slip.

Styled by Felicia Garcia-Rivera. Hair by Jimmy Paul at Bumble and Bumble; makeup by Fulvia Farolfi for Chanel; manicure by Gina Viviano for Chanel.


Chastain in Thomas’s Tamika, 2012. Versace leather-detail silk gown. Marina B 18k yellow gold and diamond earrings, bracelet, and ring; Christian Louboutin heels.

Styled by Nina Ziefvert. Hair by Nikki Nelms; makeup by Vincent Oquendo for Dior at Tracey Mattingly; manicure by Lisa Logan for Nails Inc. Photography assistant: Jayson Keeling; production assistants: Elisabeth Gaffaney, Roddy Fitzgerald.

Chastain in Thomas’s Nana, 2012. Lanvin crepe silk one-shoulder dress, polyester elastane bodysuit, and belt. Yossi Harari 18k gold and diamond hoop earrings; David Webb 18k yellow gold, platinum, enamel, and diamond ring; Aquazzura by Edgardo Osorio sandals.




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